About Us

Second Chance Ohana | Dani + Sherry

We are a mother-daughter team who flip furniture and teach others to do the same on our YouTube channel and on Instagram. I’m Dani, a wife and mother of three adopted teens. I’m a former fourth grade teacher and former professional photographer. My mom, Sherry, is a wife, mother, grandmother and retired RN.

We live 2 miles apart and count it an incredible blessing that we get to work together everyday and that we get to do this as a business as a means to provide for our family. We are now using our design, creativity, and our problem solving skills to turn our passion and hobby for painting and restoring furniture into a full fledged, flipping business.

As Heard On “The Reseller Hangout Podcast”

We had the opportunity to discuss all things furniture flipping, including how to find and flip furniture with Flea Market Flippers, the hosts of “The Reseller Hangout Podcast”. Take a listen for yourself.